The Sexual assault Awareness & Violence Education (S.A.V.E.) Program is offered to both men and women and is one to two hours long. It covers risk reduction strategies; awareness information; legal and Clery definitions of sexual assault, rape, dating and domestic violence, and stalking; consent; bystander intervention; and how to report an incident.

This program is offered once a semester, and upon request, and is held at the UNCG Police Department; registration is required. There must be a minimum of 8 participants registered in order for the class to be held. If the minimum participation is not met within 24 hours of the class it will be canceled and all registered participants will receive notification. If you are interested in hosting a S.A.V.E. class in your residence hall or for your club or organization we will work with you and schedule a program that works with your schedule and location. To host a class, please email us at [email protected]If you are interested in attending a pre-planned class please see the schedule of classes and register below.

Cost for S.A.V.E.: FREE!


RAD Logo

Rape Aggression Defense offers a consistently structured, proactive approach, designed to give women the skills and confidence needed to survive an unexpected attack. Rape Aggression Defense is a hands-on training program for individuals who identify as female that gives participants a realistic but safe experience of what it is like to be attacked and how difficult it can be to escape.

Upon completion of the R.A.D. Basic class, you will be eligible to take R.A.D. Advanced. This class builds on techniques and strategies from the Basic class and covers more prone defense strategies, and multiple subject encounters.

If you have a group or organization with 8 or more persons interested, we will customize classes to fit your schedule. If you are interested in hosting your own class, please email us at [email protected].

Cost for R.A.D.

*Failure to attend after registration confirmation may result in a $25 charge to your student account.

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